Deutsche Übungen برنامه ها

Preterite and Perfect Quiz 1.0.5
Deutsche Übungen
Tasks and exercises German as a foreignlanguage level A1-A2-B1-B2Welcome to this App Don't just learn languages, fall in love withthem! "Präteritum und Perfekt Übungen" makes language learning fun,free and easy, vocabulary, speaking and writing lessons.Verbs in the third person singular in the preterite andperfect.Exercises and examples of the time form preterite. How can werecognize the past tense? Determine the (past) in a sentence. The(past) with simple exercises to the times.Test free your knowledge. The free quiz with many questions is theideal training.Put your knowledge to the test, regular and irregular verbs and tofinalsets with ... to and with it.Tasks for vocabulary repetition. With solution key. Worksheet onthe topic of education leave for the text work.Here you will find classical exercises with solutions. Together inthe course write a fairy tale in the preterite. (reflexivepronouns, modal verbs)courses for grammar repetition (regular verbs to be and have) and aproject proposal (design a quiz yourself and then do it in thecourse)This material offers classic exercises for the perfect. Vocabularyon the subject of school / school subjects, modal verbsGroup game for the exercise of time as well as for the exercise ofquestions and answers in the present and perfect. From level A1 toB2courses on the different time forms for the first introduction tothe topic up to more complex tasks.This app is an practice grammar for learners at levels B1 and B2 ofthe European Reference Framework for Languages. It is suitable bothas accompanying course material as well as for individualwork.Grammar for looking up and practicing for the certificate B1 andsomething more. The pedagogical grammar leads from simplestructures and sentences to the level of the certificate. Inaddition, it prepares the transition to intermediate level.Here you can test your knowledge about Simple Past. After solvingall the tasks, you will learn how well you have mastered thistest.On this app you will find Vocabulary and you can speak German forfree.Practice with Questions that allow students and adults of differentages to test their basic understanding.In the Quiz category, review general about grammatical and test inour app.Learn German language better. It is fun for the participants,because a bit of a competition spirit always plays a role.
Golf Quiz questions 1.3
Deutsche Übungen
Do you want to get the golf course license ortest their rules? Then you are exactly right here! you learn andCheck your knowledge and try to reach the maximum.This App. Provides you with the most important golf rules short,compact, vivid and easily understandable for the place and wheneveryou need them.With this app. You get one of the most popular sports apps; It ispermanently on the charts in all German-speaking countries.The rules to understand is one of the elements that are essentialfor golfing progress.Try to use it by all means, their knowledge. Also, you are notfamiliar with theYour rule quiz for the course maturity! Prepare yourself for theexam!Sporty contains a collection of golfing questions about the mostinteresting rule. Austria, Switzerland, and Germany.You will also find hints on the most important points of the game'setiquette, where the two-time Open Champion Padraig Harringtonexplains what is wrong and correct.If you want to know more, the Official (2012-2015) will answer allquestions, and if you have become an expert, you can test yourknowledge at an interactive rule quiz.Will ensure that you know what you need to do when you findyourself in the most common rule situations. Designed for easy andquick access to the rules, the "Quick Guide" is fully illustratedand includes a number of helpful questionsFeatures:Over 150 questionsRegular questions in 5 difficulty levels"" about the Golfetikette"" about correct behavior on the pitch"" about space and handicap"" about the golf and control systemRegular extensionsRegular updatesNotifications:- The quiz is based on the official golf rules 2012-2015 - This isnot an official offer of the German Association - This has beencarefully prepared. Nevertheless, all information is given withoutguarantee. The authors or Apple can not be held liable for possibledisadvantages or damages resulting from the use of this app'sinformation.With the Trainer app you always have your personal trainer. The isdesigned for beginners and advanced users who want to help withtheir own training. Depending on the handicap, more than 30exercises can be chosen so that you always find the correctexercises for your status.In the end you will learn how well you know about golfHave fun with the quiz!Do you want to get the golf course licenseor test their rules? Then you are exactly right here! you learn andCheck your knowledge and try to reach the maximum.This App. Provides you with the most important golf rules short,compact, vivid and easily understandable for the place and wheneveryou need them.With this app. You get one of the most popular sports apps; It ispermanently on the charts in all German-speaking countries.The rules to understand is one of the elements that are essentialfor golfing progress.Try to use it by all means, their knowledge. Also, you are notfamiliar with theYour rule quiz for the course maturity! Prepare yourself for theexam!Sporty contains a collection of golfing questions about the mostinteresting rule. Austria, Switzerland, and Germany.You will also find hints on the most important points of the game'setiquette, where the two-time Open Champion Padraig Harringtonexplains what is wrong and correct.If you want to know more, the Official (2012-2015) will answer allquestions, and if you have become an expert, you can test yourknowledge at an interactive rule quiz.Will ensure that you know what you need to do when you findyourself in the most common rule situations. Designed for easy andquick access to the rules, the "Quick Guide" is fully illustratedand includes a number of helpful questionsFeatures:Over 150 questionsRegular questions in 5 difficulty levels"" about the Golfetikette"" about correct behavior on the pitch"" about space and handicap"" about the golf and control systemRegular extensionsRegular updates
German grammar verbs B1 1.0.2
Deutsche Übungen
Welcome to this App Don't just learnlanguages, fall in love with them! "Deutsche Grammatik Verben B1"makes language learning fun, free and easy, vocabulary, speakingand writing lessons.Want to learn German Grammar verbs. The most important tasks andexercises at levels A1-A2-B1-B2Exercises for the correct use of the nominee and his companions, aswell as for the formation of a plurality, reinforce the sense oflanguage and expand the vocabulary in playful form.There are exercise with automatic corrections and solutions forevery topic.This APP is based on the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages ​​and aims at teaching as a foreign language throughmodern e-learning.The advantage of Tests is that you can learn German anytime,anywhere. Whether you are on the bus stop, at lunch time or in theevening on the sofa - a short exercise, a couple of clicks, andyou're back a little. You determine the speed and intensity of thecourse.Tests and explanations for grammar theorem. This app is an practice"Grammatik" for learners at levels B1 and B2 of the EuropeanReference Framework for Languages.These Test should be fun and help you to improve your verbsknowledge.Here you can find tests for the language "Deutsch". With thesemodel tests you can prepare for your exam. You can also take theexaminations to determine your speech level or simply to practiceGerman.The examination certificate A1-A2-B1-B2 verifies the ability toindependently use language in situations of everyday life andprofessional life, which are about familiar topics and personalareas of interest.Suitable for high school students, as well as the DaF-LevelsA1-A2-B1-B2 and Multiple.Grammar verbs Tasks A1-A2-B1-B2 exam is an Application forpracticing difficult words of the German language. Here you willfind test on grammar nouns, such as the 4 cases (case),prepositions, or bindwords.This app is perfect for anyone who wants to refresh their knowledgefor beginners. you can learn and and interactive with solution, to grammatical topics in thebasic "Grammatik".Exam topics:Trennbare und untrennbare VerbenUnregelmäßige Verben im PräsensModalverbenKonjunktiv IIImperativUnregelmäßige Verben im PerfektWith this app you can quickly make German exercises. Entertainingvocabulary and verbs.Try it now for free!
Nominativ Dativ und Akkusativ 1.0
Deutsche Übungen
Verben mit direkten kasus.Deutsche Grammatik übungen A2-B1-B2-C1Grammatik, Übungen, Tipps zu PrüfungenWillst du Deutsche Grammatik lernen oder deineGrammatikkentnisse... du die wichtigsten Aufgaben undÜbungen.Wie gut kennen Sie die Verben mit Nominativ Dativ oderAkkusativ?Machen Sie die Übung und testen Sie sich.Dieses App wird Ihnen dabei helfen, diese Verben zu meisternunddafür sorgen, dass Ihr Deutsch fließender.Online-Übungen für Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Grammatik,Wortschatz,Landeskunde, Quiz.Dieses App ist für alle, die gerne lernen und die auf eineeinfache,effektive und angenehme Weise ihre Deutschkenntnisseverbessernwollen. Es ist für Lerner mit guten Grundkenntnissen abNiveaustufeA2 geeignet und kann auch als ergänzende Vorbereitungauf dieA2-B1-B2-C1 Prüfung benutzt werden.Die Verben bestimmen Nominativ Nominativ Dativ oderAkkusativ.Der Vorteil von Online Deutsche Grammatik besteht darin, dassdujederzeit und überall Deutsch lernen kannst. Egal, ob anderHaltestelle, in der Mittagspause oder abends auf dem Sofa –einkurze Übung, ein paar Klicks und schon bist du wieder einkleinesStück weitergekommen. Du bestimmst das Tempo und dieIntensität desKurses.Sie finden viele Übungen, animierte Erklärungen und Übersichtenzuallen wichtigen Themen der deutschen Grammatik. Bei denÜbungenhandelt es sich um Texteingabe-Übungen, Schreibübungen,MultipleChoice-Übungen und Drag and Drop-Übungen. Die Übungen sindfürfortgeschrittene Deutschlerner gedacht und für SchülerundSchülerinnen, die Ihre Kenntnisse in der deutschenGrammatikverbessern wollen.Diese Übungen sollen Spaß machen und Ihnen helfen, IhreKenntnisseder deutschen Grammatik zu verbessern.Hier findet ihr Deutschprüfungen für das Sprachniveau DeutschB1.Mit diesen Modellprüfungen könnt ihr euch auf eureDeutschprüfungvorbereiten. Ihr könnt die Prüfungen aber auchmachen, um euerSprachniveau festzustellen oder einfach nur umDeutsch (besondersGrammatik) zu üben.Dieses App ist perfekt für jeden, der seinedeutschkenntnisseauffrischen will oder für Lernende mitAnfängerniveau.Grammatik-Übungen für Deutsch als FremdspracheNiveauA2-B1-B2-C1.Dieses App beinhaltet:● (1) Nominativ Dativ oder Akkusativ _ Test● (2) Nominativ oder Akkusativ _ Test● (3) Personalpronomen im Dativ oder Akkusativ● (4) Dativ oder AkkusativErgänzen Sie den Nominativ, Akkusativ oder den Dativ.Übungen zu Verben mit direktem AkkusativÜbungen zum Wortschatz und zur Grammatik der EinheitWillkommen zu dieses AppPräpositionen mit Nominativ, Dativ oder AkkusativDie Grammatik gut lernen und mit Übungen befestigenDeutsch für JugendlicheTest mit 200 interaktiven Fragen zum Thema verben mitdirektenkasus. Lass dich kostenlos abfragen bei einer derbeliebtesten fürSchüler.Deutsche Sprache besser verstehenProbieren Sie mal eine von diesen Übungen. Es machtdenTeilnehmerInnen Spaß, weil dabei immer einbisschenWettbewerbsgeist eine Rolle spielt.Verbs withdirectkasus.German grammar exercises A2-B1-B2-C1Grammar, exercises, tips for examsWant to learn German grammar or your Grammatikkentnisse ... you.Themost important tasks and exercisesHow well do you know the verbs with dative nominative oraccusative?Make exercise and test yourself.This app will help you to master these verbs and ensure thatyourGerman flowing.Online Exercises for German as a foreign language:grammar,vocabulary, geography, quiz.This app is for anyone who likes to learn and who want asimple,effective and enjoyable way to improve their German. It issuitablefor learners with a good basic knowledge from Level A2 andcan beused as additional preparation for the A2-B1-B2-C1exam.The verbs determine nominative nominative dativeoraccusative.The advantage of Online German grammar is that you can alwaysandeverywhere learn German. Whether at the bus stop, at lunchtimeorin the evening on the sofa - progressed a short exercise, afewclicks and you're back a little bit. You determine the paceandintensity of the course.You will find many exercises, animated explanations and overviewsofall major topics of German grammar. The exercises istypingexercises, writing exercises, multiple choice exercises anddragand drop exercises. The exercises are intended for advancedGermanlearners and for students who want to improve your knowledgeofGerman grammar.These exercises are designed to be fun and help you to improveyourknowledge of German grammar.Here you can find German examinations for the language levelB1German. These model tests you can prepare on your German exam.Butyou can also make the tests to determine your language levelorsimply to practice only to German (particularly grammar).This app is perfect for anyone who wants to brush up onhisknowledge of German or for students with beginner level.Grammar Exercises for German as a foreign languagelevelA2-B1-B2-C1.This app includes:● (1) nominative dative or accusative _ Test● (2) nominative or accusative _ Test● (3) personal pronouns in the dative or accusative● (4) dative or accusativeYou can complete the nominative, accusative or dative.Exercises on verbs with direct accusativeExercises for vocabulary and grammar of the unitWelcome to this AppPrepositions with nominative, dative or accusativeLearning the grammar well and secure with exercisesGerman for teenagersTest with 200 interactive questions on verbs with direct kasus.Letyourself Consult for free at one of the most popularforstudents.better understand German languageWhy not try one of these exercises. It makes the participantsfunbecause always a little competitive spirit plays a role.
Separable and Inseparable Verb 1.2
Deutsche Übungen
Welcome to this App Don't just learnlanguages, fall in love with them! "Trennbare und UntrennbareVerben" makes language learning fun, free and easy, vocabulary,speaking and writing lessons.Want to learn German Grammar separable and inseparable verbs. Themost important tasks and exercises at levels A1-A2-B1-B2Exercises for the correct use of the nominee and his companions, aswell as for the formation of a plurality, reinforce the sense oflanguage and expand the vocabulary in playful form.There are exercise with automatic corrections and solutions forevery topic.This APP is based on the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages ​​and aims at teaching as a foreign language throughmodern e-learning.The advantage of Tests is that you can learn German anytime,anywhere. Whether you are on the bus stop, at lunch time or in theevening on the sofa - a short exercise, a couple of clicks, andyou're back a little. You determine the speed and intensity of thecourse.Tests and explanations for grammar theorem. This app is an practice"Grammatik" for learners at levels B1 and B2 of the EuropeanReference Framework for Languages.These Test should be fun and help you to improve your separable andinseparable verbs knowledge.Here you can find tests for the language "Deutsch". With thesemodel tests you can prepare for your exam. You can also take theexaminations to determine your speech level or simply to practiceGerman.The examination certificate A1-A2-B1-B2 verifies the ability toindependently use language in situations of everyday life andprofessional life, which are about familiar topics and personalareas of interest.Suitable for high school students, as well as the DaF-LevelsA1-A2-B1-B2 and Multiple.Grammar verbs Tasks A1-A2-B1-B2 exam is an Application forpracticing difficult words of the German language. Here you willfind test on grammar nouns, such as the 4 cases (case),prepositions, or bindwords.This app is perfect for anyone who wants to refresh their knowledgefor beginners. you can learn and and interactive with solution, to grammatical topics in thebasic "Grammatik".Exam topics:Trennbar oder nicht trennbarTrennbare und untrennbare Verben - (schwer)Trennbare und untrennbare Verben - (leicht)With this app you can quickly make German exercises. Entertainingvocabulary and verbs.Try it now for free!
Grammar Exercises German B1 1.0.3
Deutsche Übungen
Welcome to this App Don't just learnlanguages, fall in love with them! "Grammatik Übungen B1" makeslanguage learning fun, free and easy, vocabulary, speaking andwriting lessons.Want to learn German Grammar Noun. The most important tasks andexercises at levels A1-A2-B1-B2Declining of nouns, articles, pronouns and adjectivesExercises for the correct use of the nominee and his companions, aswell as for the formation of a plurality, reinforce the sense oflanguage and expand the vocabulary in playful form.There are exercise with automatic corrections and solutions forevery topic.This APP is based on the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages ​​and aims at teaching as a foreign language throughmodern e-learning.The advantage of Tests is that you can learn German anytime,anywhere. Whether you are on the bus stop, at lunch time or in theevening on the sofa - a short exercise, a couple of clicks, andyou're back a little. You determine the speed and intensity of thecourse.Tests and explanations for grammar theorem. This app is an practice"Grammatik" for learners at levels B1 and B2 of the EuropeanReference Framework for Languages.These Test should be fun and help you to improve yourknowledge.Here you can find tests for the language "Deutsch". With thesemodel tests you can prepare for your exam. You can also take theexaminations to determine your speech level or simply to practiceGerman.The examination certificate A1-A2-B1-B2 verifies the ability toindependently use language in situations of everyday life andprofessional life, which are about familiar topics and personalareas of interest.Suitable for high school students, as well as the DaF-LevelsA1-A2-B1-B2 and Multiple ...Application for practicing difficult words of the German language.Here you will find test on grammar nouns, such as the 4 cases(case), prepositions, or bindwords.This app is perfect for anyone who wants to refresh their knowledgefor beginners. you can learn and and interactive with solution, to grammatical topics in thebasic "Grammatik".Exam topics:Declination of noun - genitive singularDeclination of the noun - dative pluralN declinationdefinite articleindefinite articlePossessive articlesPrepositions and pronounsWith this app you can quickly make German exercises. Entertainingvocabulary and verbs.Try it now for free!
Antonyme German Exercise 1.2
Deutsche Übungen
Welcome to this App Don't just learnlanguages, fall in love with them! "Das Gegenteil Übungen" makeslanguage learning fun, free and easy, vocabulary, speaking andwriting lessons.These Test should be fun and help you to improve your knowledge.The most important tasks and exercises at levels A1-A2-B1-B2Antonyme exercise for German as a foreign language Level a1 a2b1.There are exercise with automatic corrections and solutions forevery topic.Learn ants and vocabulary of level B1. Specify the opposite. ThisAPP is based on the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages ​​and aims at teaching German as a foreign languagethrough modern e-learning.Antonyms is that you can always learn at any time. Whether you areon the bus stop, at lunch time or in the evening on the sofa - ashort exercise, a couple of clicks, and you're back a little. Youdetermine the speed and intensity of the course.You will find many "Übungen", animated explanations and overviewson all important topics of the antonyms.Here you can find tests for the language level B1. Find opposites.Simple exercises on opposites. With these model tests you canprepare for your German exam. You can also take the examinations todetermine your speech level or simply to practice German(especially antonyms).The examination certificate B1 examines the ability toindependently use the language in situations of everyday life andprofessional life, which are about familiar topics and personalinterests.You already have knowledge, would like to deepen this in a nextstep and now you want to know whether you are proficient in levelB1.Suitable for high school students, as well as the DaF-Levels B1 andMultiple Choice, ...Antonyme Exercises B1 exam is an online application for practicingdifficult words of the language.Will allow you a systematic training. On the basis of modernexercise, you can learn and train.Here you will find "Übungen" to help you to check the levelB1You will find here German as a foreign languageadjective-oppositeOn this app, you will find ordered for Antonyme. The antonyme areexplained in a simple manner and with many of charge and interactive with solution. Free and easy tolearn.Topics:Wie heißt das Gegenteil?Gegensätze _ Ergänzen Sie das GegenteilDas Gegenteil vonWith this app you can quickly make exercises. Entertainingvocabulary and verbs.Try it now for free!
German grammar Exercises B2 1.5.0
Deutsche Übungen
Do you want to learn German or improve yourgrammar skills. You have the most important tasks and Test.Prepares for the B2 exam.Here you can find tests for the German language. With these modeltests you can prepare for your exam. There are exercises withautomatic corrections and solutions for every topic.This APP is based on the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages and aims at teaching German as a foreign language throughmodern e-learning.Whether you are on the bus stop, at lunch time or in the evening onthe sofa - a short exercise, a couple of clicks, and you havealready gone a little further. You determine the speed andintensity of the course.You will find many exercises, animated explanations and reports onall important topics.These exercises should be fun and help you to improve yourknowledge of "Deutsch Grammatik".The examination certificate B2 examines the ability toindependently use the language in situations of everyday life andprofessional life, which are about familiar topics and personalinterests.You already have many knowledge, would like to deepen this in anext step and now you want to know whether you are proficient inlevel B2.Quiz for grammatical. Suitable for high school students, as well asthe DaF-Levels and Multiple Choice, ...Learning allows you to do a systematic training. On the basis ofmodern Exam, you can learn and trainingHere you will find Quiz for the examination.Free of charge and interactive with solution, to grammatical topicsin the basic "Grammatik"Verbs with dative _ Verbs with dative and accusative _ Prepositionswith dative and accusative _Local prepositions _ AlternateprepositionsReflexive verbs _ Exercise additions _ Declination of theadjectivesWith this app you can quickly make many vocabulary. TheseApplication for practicing difficult words in the "Deutsch"language.On this app, you will find organized quiz for German vocabulary.The grammar is explained in a simple manner and with manyexamples.Grammatical in the basic grammar free and easy to learn.Topics:- word field "set"- positions with fixed prepositions- relative sentences- Prepositions with genitive- word field "to take"We offer a wide selection of many Tests.With this app you can quickly make "Deutsch Grammatik".Entertaining vocabulary.Try it now for free!
German grammar Exercises A2 1.0.5
Deutsche Übungen
Do you want to learn German or improve yourgrammar skills. You have the most important tasks and Test.Prepares for the A2 exam.Here you can find tests for the German language. With these modeltests you can prepare for your exam. There are exercises withautomatic corrections and solutions for every topic.This APP is based on the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages and aims at teaching German as a foreign language throughmodern e-learning.Whether you are on the bus stop, at lunch time or in the evening onthe sofa - a short exercise, a couple of clicks, and you havealready gone a little further. You determine the speed andintensity of the course.You will find many exercises, animated explanations and reports onall important topics.These exercises should be fun and help you to improve yourknowledge of "Deutsch Grammatik".The examination certificate A2 examines the ability toindependently use the language in situations of everyday life andprofessional life, which are about familiar topics and personalinterests.You already have many knowledge, would like to deepen this in anext step and now you want to know whether you are proficient inlevel A2.Quiz for grammatical. Suitable for high school students, as well asthe DaF-Levels and Multiple Choice, ...Learning allows you to do a systematic training. On the basis ofmodern Exam, you can learn and trainingHere you will find Quiz for the examination.Free of charge and interactive with solution, to grammatical topicsin the basic "Grammatik"Verbs with dative _ Verbs with dative and accusative _ Prepositionswith dative and accusative _Local prepositions _ AlternateprepositionsReflexive verbs _ Exercise additions _ Declination of theadjectivesWith this app you can quickly make many vocabulary. TheseApplication for practicing difficult words in the "Deutsch"language.On this app, you will find organized quiz for German vocabulary.The grammar is explained in a simple manner and with manyexamples.Grammatical in the basic grammar free and easy to learn.Topics:- Verbs with accusative- not or none- Gestern (Perfect)- Perfect - have or be?- Exercise Personal pronouns- Reflexive verbs with accusative- this app also has exercises for personal pronouns in dative andaccusativeWe offer a wide selection of many Tests.With this app you can quickly make "Deutsch Grammatik".Entertaining vocabulary.Try it now for free!
Unregelmäßige verben Deutsch 1.2
Deutsche Übungen
Grammatik-Übungen zu regelmäßige undunregelmäßige verben. Trainieren Sie sofort.Deutsche Grammatik regelmäßige und unregelmäßige verben übungenA1-A2-B1-B2Willst du Deutsche Grammatik Verben lernen oder deineGrammatikkentnisse verbessern ... du die wichtigsten Aufgaben undÜbungen zu den Stufen A1-A2-B1-B2bereitet auf die A1-A2-B1-B2 - Prüfung vor.regelmäßige und unregelmäßige verben Übungen für Deutsch alsFremdsprache Niveau A1-A2-B1-B2.Zu jedem Thema gibt es Aufgaben mit automatischen Korrekturen undLösungen.Lernst du Grammatik regelmäßige und unregelmäßige verben undWortschatz der Stufe A1-A2-B1-B2. Diese APP orientiert sich an demGemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen und hat zumZiel, Deutsch als Fremdsprache durch modernes E-Learning zuvermitteln.Der Vorteil von Online Deutsche Grammatik regelmäßige undunregelmäßige verben besteht darin, dass du jederzeit und überallDeutsch lernen kannst. Egal, ob an der Haltestelle, in derMittagspause oder abends auf dem Sofa – ein kurze Übung, ein paarKlicks und schon bist du wieder ein kleines Stückweitergekommen.Sie finden viele Übungen, zu allen wichtigen Themen der deutschenGrammatik Verben. Bei den Übungen handelt es sich um MultipleChoice-Übungen und Drag and Drop-Übungen. Die Übungen sind fürAnfänger und fortgeschrittene Deutschlerner gedacht und für Schülerund Schülerinnen, die Ihre Kenntnisse in der deutschen GrammatikVerben verbessern wollen.Diese Übungen sollen Spaß machen und Ihnen helfen, Ihre Kenntnisseder deutschen Grammatik Verben zu verbessern.Hier findet ihr Deutschprüfungen für das Sprachniveau DeutschA1-A2-B1-B2. Mit diesen Modellprüfungen könnt ihr euch auf eureDeutschprüfung vorbereiten. Ihr könnt die Prüfungen aber auchmachen, um euer Sprachniveau festzustellen oder einfach nur umDeutsch (besonders Grammatik Verben) zu üben.Die Prüfung Zertifikat A1-A2-B1-B2 überprüft die Fähigkeit zurselbstständigen Sprachverwendung in Situationen des Alltags- undBerufsle­bens, in denen es um vertraute Themen und persönlicheInteressensgebiete geht.A1-A2-B1-B2 Übungen Aufgaben Deutsch Institut A1-A2-B1-B2 Prüfung -Übungen Tests ...Modelltest 1. DEUTSCH-TEST. FÜR ZUWANDERER ... Teilnehmerinnenwissen, was von ihnen in der Prüfung erwartet wird. Deshalbinformiert der Modelltest über.Sie haben bereits Deutschkenntnisse, möchten diese in einemnächsten Schritt vertiefen und möchten nun wissen, ob Sie dasNiveau A1-A2-B1-B2 beherrschen.Übungen zur deutschen Grammatik Verben. Geeignet für Schüler derSekundarstufe 1 sowie den DaF-Niveaustufen A1-A2-B1-B2 und MultipleChoice, ...Grammatik Verben Aufgaben A1-A2-B1-B2 prüfung ist ein Applikationzum Üben von schwierigen Wörtern der Deutschen Sprache. Hierfindest du Übungen zur Grammatik Verben wie beispielsweise den 4Fällen (Kasus), Präpositionen oder Bindewörtern. Die Übungenbesitzen ein Deutsch-Niveau von A1-A2-B1-B2.Deutsche Grammatik Verben ermöglicht dir ein systematischesTraining. Anhand moderner Übungen kannst du die Deutscheregelmäßige und unregelmäßige verben lernen und trainieren.Hier finden Sie Übungen zur Prüfung des Niveaus A1-A2-B1-B2Sie finden hier Grammatik Verbenregeln und -erklärungen, sowieBeispiele und Grammatik Verbenübungen.Auf dieser App findest du geordnete Übungen zur deutschen GrammatikVerben.Freie Übungen, kostenlos und interaktiv mit Lösung, zugrammatischen Themen in der BasisGrammatik VerbenDie Deutsche Grammatik Verben Übungen, gratis, kostenlos undeinfach lernen.Deutsch A1-A2-B1-B2 Prüfung Themen:(1) Unregelmäßige Verben im Präsens(2) Unregelmäßige Verben im Präteritum(3) Unregelmäßige Verben im Perfekt(4) Das Perfekt (3. Pers)(5) Das Präteritum (3. Pers)Wir bieten eine große Auswahl von vielen Deutsche Grammatik VerbenÜbungen an.Mit dieser App kannst du schnell Deutsche Übungen machen.Unterhaltsame Vokabel- und Grammatik Verbenübungen.Jetzt sofort kostenlos ausprobieren!Grammar exercises atregular and irregular verbs. Work out immediately.German grammar regular and irregular verbs exercisesA1-A2-B1-B2Want to learn German grammar verbs or improve yourGrammatikkentnisse ... you B2 A1-A2-B1-the main tasks and exerciseson the stepsprepares the A1-A2-B1-B2 - before checkout.regular and irregular verbs exercises for German as a ForeignLanguage Level A1-A2-B1-B2.there are tasks with automatic fixes and solutions for eachsubject.Are you learning grammar regular and irregular verbs and vocabularylevel A1-A2-B1-B2. This app is based on the Common EuropeanFramework for Languages ​​and its aim is to teach German as aforeign language through modern e-learning.The advantage of Online German grammar regular and irregular verbsis that you can always and everywhere learn German. Whether at thebus stop, at lunchtime or in the evening on the sofa - progressed ashort exercise, a few clicks and you're back a little bit.You will find many exercises on all important topics of Germangrammar verbs. The exercises is multiple choice exercises and dragand drop exercises. The exercises are intended for beginners andadvanced German learners and for students who want your knowledgeof German grammar improve verbs.These exercises are designed to be fun and help you to improve yourknowledge of German grammar verbs.Here you can find German examinations for the language level GermanA1-A2-B1-B2. These model tests you can prepare on your German exam.But you can also make the tests to determine your language level orto practice just to German (particularly grammar verbs).The audit certificate A1-A2-B1-B2 analyzed the capacity forindependent use of language in situations of everyday andprofessional life in which it is about familiar topics and personalinterests.A1-A2-B1-B2 exercises tasks German Institute A1-A2-B1-B2 exam -exercises tests ...Model Test 1. GERMAN TEST. FOR IMMIGRANTS ... participants knowwhat is expected of them in the examination. Therefore, the modeltesting informed.You already have knowledge of German would like this deepen in thenext step, and now want to know whether you have mastered the levelA1-A2-B1-B2.Exercises for German grammar verbs. Suitable for High SchoolStudent 1 and the GFL levels A1-A2-B1-B2 and Multiple Choice,...Grammar verbs tasks A1-A2-B1-B2 exam is an application to practicedifficult words of the German language. Here you find grammarexercises verbs such as the 4 cases (case), prepositions orconjunctions. The exercises have a German level ofA1-A2-B1-B2.German grammar verbs allows you systematic training. Using modernexercises you can learn the German regular and irregular verbs andtrain.Find exercises to test the levels A1-A2-B1-B2Page grammar verbs rules and declarations, as well as examples andgrammar exercises verbs.In this app you'll find parent exercises for German grammarverbs.Free exercises, free and interactive with solution to grammaticalsubjects in the basic grammar verbsThe German grammar verbs exercises, free, free, and easy tolearn.German A1-A2-B1-B2 exam topics:(1) Irregular verbs in the present tense(2) Irregular verbs in the past tense(3) Irregular verbs in the perfect tense(4) The Perfect (3 Pers)(5) The past tense (3 Pers)We offer a wide selection of many German grammar verbsexercises.With this app you can make German exercises quickly. Entertainingvocabulary and grammar exercises verbs.Try it now immediately free!